Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Short Stories: Little Girls Wiser Than Men by Leo Tolstoy, The Best Investment I Ever Made by A.J. Cronin & The Eyes Are Not Here By Ruskin Bond


This blog is a part of the BA syllabus of M. M. Ghodasara Mahila Arts and Commerce College, Junagadh. In this blog I am going to discuss Short Stories: 'Little Girls Wiser Than Men' by Leo Tolstoy, 'The Best Investment I Ever Made' by A.J. Cronin & 'The Eyes Are Not Here' By Ruskin Bond.


"Little Girls Wiser Than Men" is a thought-provoking short story by the renowned Russian author Leo Tolstoy, originally published in 1885. Through this deceptively simple tale, Tolstoy offers a profound meditation on the nature of wisdom, the follies of human vanity, and the sometimes surprising insights that can emerge from the most unexpected sources.

The story takes place in a small Russian village, where a group of men have gathered to engage in a lively debate on a variety of philosophical and moral questions. Among them is Semyon, a farmer who is respected in the community for his perceived wisdom and common sense.

As the discussion unfolds, the men find themselves grappling with complex topics such as the meaning of life, the existence of God, and the best way to live a virtuous and fulfilling existence. Each man presents his own perspective, drawing upon his experiences, education, and personal beliefs to support his arguments.

Semyon, in particular, emerges as a vocal participant, frequently interjecting with his own authoritative opinions and dismissing the ideas put forth by the other men. He sees himself as the voice of reason and moral clarity, confident in his ability to provide definitive answers to the group's queries.

However, as the debate continues, a pair of young girls, Masha and Katiusha, who had been playing nearby, begin to interject with their own observations and questions. At first, the men are inclined to brush off the girls' input, viewing them as naive and unqualified to contribute to such lofty discussions.

But as the girls continue to speak up, their insights and questions gradually begin to challenge the men's assumptions and expose the flaws in their reasoning. With a disarming simplicity and a profound intuition, Masha and Katiusha offer a fresh perspective that forces the men to confront the limitations of their own knowledge and the arrogance that often accompanies it. One by one, the men find themselves stumped by the girls' probing questions, unable to provide satisfactory answers. Semyon, in particular, becomes increasingly agitated as his esteemed status as the village sage is called into question by these young, seemingly innocent interlopers.

As the story progresses, Tolstoy skillfully weaves in a series of flashbacks that provide greater context and depth to the characters' interactions. We learn more about Semyon's own background and the factors that have shaped his worldview, as well as the inherent biases and preconceptions that the other men bring to the discussion.

Through these narrative devices, Tolstoy invites the reader to consider the complex interplay between experience, education, and true wisdom. The story challenges the notion that knowledge and age automatically confer greater insight, suggesting that the ability to see the world with clear-eyed clarity and profound simplicity may, in fact, reside in the most unexpected of places.

As the debate reaches a crescendo, the girls' unwavering questions and observations continue to chip away at the men's certainty, revealing the underlying fragility of their intellectual posturing. Semyon, in particular, becomes increasingly defensive and agitated, unable to reconcile the girls' unassuming wisdom with his own carefully cultivated image of himself. The story's climax comes when Masha, the younger of the two girls, poses a simple yet profound question that leaves the men utterly speechless. Her query cuts to the heart of the matter, exposing the fundamental disconnect between the men's lofty philosophical musings and the realities of everyday life and human experience.

In the face of this unanticipated challenge, the men are forced to confront the limitations of their own knowledge and the arrogance that has, until this point, shielded them from true self-reflection. Semyon, once the self-proclaimed voice of reason, is left humbled and unsettled, his confidence shaken by the profound insight of a child.

Through this powerful denouement, Tolstoy delivers a poignant commentary on the human condition, highlighting the ways in which our own biases, preconceptions, and desire for self-importance can blind us to the true nature of wisdom and the insights that may lie beyond the confines of our own experiences and education.

"Little Girls Wiser Than Men" stands as a testament to Tolstoy's masterful storytelling and his deep understanding of the human psyche. The story's timeless themes of humility, self-awareness, and the power of innocence to challenge entrenched beliefs continue to resonate with readers, serving as a profound reminder of the often overlooked wisdom that can be found in the most unexpected of places.

Through the lens of this deceptively simple tale, Tolstoy invites the reader to reflect on their own assumptions, biases, and the sources from which they derive their own sense of understanding and enlightenment. The story's enduring appeal lies in its ability to both entertain and provoke deeper contemplation, leaving a lasting impression on the reader's mind and heart.


"The Best Investment I Ever Made" is a poignant short story by the renowned Scottish author A.J. Cronin, published in 1964. The story explores themes of generosity, personal growth, and the profound impact that a single act of kindness can have on an individual's life.

The narrative centers around the character of Dr. Andrew Manson, a successful and respected physician who has built a thriving medical practice over the course of his career. Despite his professional accomplishments, however, Dr. Manson has become disillusioned with the materialistic aspects of his life and the way it has shaped his values and priorities.

As the story opens, Dr. Manson is reflecting back on his life and the choices he has made, particularly a pivotal moment that occurred many years earlier. It was during the early stages of his medical career, when he was still a young and ambitious doctor, that this transformative event took place. One evening, while working late at his clinic, Dr. Manson is visited by a young man named Evan, who has come seeking medical attention. Evan is a shy and unassuming individual, clearly from a humble background, and he has arrived at the clinic with a deep gash in his forehead that requires immediate treatment.

As Dr. Manson examines Evan's wound and provides the necessary medical care, he is struck by the young man's polite demeanor and genuine gratitude, despite the obvious discomfort he must be feeling. Sensing that Evan is in a difficult financial situation, Dr. Manson decides to forgo his usual consultation fee, an act of kindness that profoundly touches the young patient.

In the days that follow, Dr. Manson finds himself thinking about Evan and the brief but meaningful encounter they had shared. He is surprised by the extent to which the experience has stirred his conscience and caused him to reflect on the growing disconnect between his medical practice's focus on profit and his own fundamental desire to help people. Driven by a growing sense of unease, Dr. Manson decides to take a bold step. He tracks down Evan's address and pays him an unexpected visit, driven by a genuine desire to learn more about the young man and understand the circumstances that led him to the clinic that night.

What unfolds is a heartwarming and deeply moving exchange, as Dr. Manson discovers that Evan is a hardworking and ambitious young man, struggling to support his ailing mother and younger siblings in the face of poverty and adversity. Evan's honest and earnest demeanor, coupled with his unwavering determination to improve his family's situation, resonates deeply with the doctor.

As their conversation unfolds, Dr. Manson is struck by the realization that his simple act of waiving the consultation fee has had a profound and transformative impact on Evan's life. The young man reveals that the small gesture of kindness has not only lifted a significant financial burden but has also instilled in him a renewed sense of hope and motivation to pursue his dreams.

Deeply moved by Evan's story, Dr. Manson makes the decision to provide the young man with a substantial financial gift, enough to cover the cost of his education and set him on a path towards a brighter future. This act of generosity, born out of a genuine desire to help and a recognition of the importance of investing in the potential of others, becomes a defining moment in both men's lives. As the story progresses, Cronin masterfully weaves in flashbacks and glimpses into Dr. Manson's own personal journey, revealing how his encounter with Evan has served as a catalyst for a deeper examination of his priorities and the true meaning of success.

The doctor's initial self-reflection and sense of unease regarding the materialistic focus of his medical practice gradually evolves into a deeper appreciation for the intangible rewards of compassion, empathy, and the ability to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Through this powerful narrative, Cronin invites the reader to consider the profound and often unexpected impact that a single act of kindness can have, not only on the recipient but also on the giver. The story challenges the conventional notions of success and personal fulfillment, suggesting that the true measure of a life well-lived lies not in the accumulation of wealth and material possessions, but in the positive and lasting impact one can have on the lives of those around them.

As the story reaches its poignant conclusion, the reader is left with a profound sense of the interconnectedness of human experiences and the transformative power of empathy and generosity. Cronin's masterful storytelling and his ability to create richly drawn characters that resonate with the reader make "The Best Investment I Ever Made" a truly memorable and inspiring work of short fiction.

Through the lens of Dr. Manson's journey, the story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining a sense of purpose and compassion, even in the face of societal pressures and the allure of material success. Ultimately, the story stands as a testament to the enduring human capacity for growth, redemption, and the profound impact that a single act of kindness can have on the course of an individual's life.


"The Eyes Are Not Here" is a poignant and thought-provoking short story by the renowned Indian author Ruskin Bond. Published in 1964, the story explores themes of human connection, perspective, and the often-subtle ways in which we perceive and understand the world around us.

The narrative centers around an unnamed young man who finds himself sharing a train compartment with a young woman. As the train journey progresses, the two strangers engage in a tentative and intriguing conversation, during which the young man gradually comes to realize that the woman is blind. Initially, the young man is unsure of how to interact with his unexpected companion, feeling a sense of unease and uncertainty. However, as their dialogue unfolds, he is gradually drawn into the woman's world, captivated by her unique perspective and her ability to perceive the world in ways he had never before considered.

Through their exchange, the reader is privy to the young man's shifting perceptions and the subtle evolution of his attitudes and assumptions. He is initially aware of the woman's blindness, viewing it as a significant limitation that sets her apart from him. However, as the conversation deepens, the young man begins to recognize the ways in which his own reliance on sight has shaped his understanding of the world, often at the expense of other sensory experiences.

The young woman, in turn, emerges as a complex and compelling character, defying the young man's preconceptions about blindness and the perceived deficits of living without sight. She speaks eloquently about her ability to navigate the world through her other senses, describing the world in vivid and evocative terms that challenge the young man's own limited perspective.

As the story progresses, the young man finds himself increasingly drawn into the woman's world, captivated by the richness of her experiences and the depth of her insights. He begins to question the assumptions and biases that have shaped his own understanding of the world, realizing that his reliance on sight may have, in fact, limited his ability to truly perceive and engage with his surroundings.

One particularly poignant moment comes when the young woman shares her perspective on the nature of beauty, challenging the young man's notion that physical appearance is the primary determinant of worth and attractiveness. Her descriptions of the world, filled with a keen awareness of texture, sound, and smell, reveal a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the inherent beauty that exists all around us.

Through this exchange, Bond skillfully navigates the complex dynamics of human interaction, exploring the barriers that often exist between individuals and the transformative potential of genuine empathy and understanding. The story's power lies in its ability to subvert the reader's own assumptions and preconceptions, inviting us to question the limitations of our own perspectives and to consider the diverse ways in which we might engage with and understand the world.

As the journey progresses, the young man's initial discomfort and uncertainty gradually give way to a growing sense of fascination and admiration for his unexpected companion. He finds himself drawn into her world, captivated by the richness of her experiences and the depth of her insights.

The story reaches a poignant climax when, upon arriving at their destination, the young man is faced with a startling revelation – the woman is not, in fact, blind, but rather has chosen to wear a blindfold in order to better understand the world through her other senses. This unexpected twist forces the young man to confront his own assumptions and the ways in which he has projected his own biases onto the woman he had come to know.

In the aftermath of this revelation, the young man is left to grapple with the implications of his experience, forced to reckon with the ways in which his own reliance on sight has shaped his understanding of the world and his interactions with others. The story's conclusion invites the reader to consider the profound importance of empathy, open-mindedness, and the willingness to see beyond the surface of things.

Through the lens of this captivating narrative, Ruskin Bond encourages the reader to reflect on the nature of perception, the limitations of our own experiences, and the transformative potential of embracing new and unfamiliar perspectives. The story's enduring impact lies in its ability to challenge our assumptions, expand our horizons, and inspire us to approach the world with a greater sense of curiosity and wonder.

In the hands of a master storyteller such as Ruskin Bond, "The Eyes Are Not Here" transcends the bounds of a simple narrative, becoming a poignant meditation on the human condition and the power of empathy to bridge the divides that so often separate us from one another. The story's timeless themes and its beautifully crafted characters ensure that it will continue to resonate with readers for generations to come.

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